when we start a GAME


its turn you as GAMER


and when u dare to play, you are GAMBLER !!


and the GAME on


and when we stuck and set on the intruction to play GAMBLING


when u nearly lose, we called GAME- over


**livehood.......... neverstop with GAME

more uploads...KONNICHIWA!!


CURRENCY : 100 YEN = RM 4.00

Ms Tuti, who travelled together with same flight same destination. Only three of us.

On board. Due to heavy rain, the flight AK delayed for about 1 and half hours, LCCT.
10th September 2012.

Standby with the passport and embarkation card of Japan.

Tokyo, on second day- early morning we travelled by BUS to Tokyo to meet Ms Yashma and Mr Ahmad.Took about 8 hours overland journey OSAKA to Tokyo.

This how it looks on bed-seated coach. Comfy, with special blanket, simple beverages and toilet.

Thank you for the hospitality. Even stay less than 15 hours - we had really lot lots of activities. Tour, shopping, explorer and introduction of busy city and many peeps as TOKYO !!

A sip! You may find easily Starbucks everywhere in Japan. Must be they loved 'em so much. And must be, they were westernised  :)

On the orth day 13th Sept, we had half day guided tour by Mr. Rahman. Whom is permanent resident in Osaka. Malaysian, Johorian. Married with Japanese lady. very very helping us in touring Osaka - some part which is easily for us to find souvenirs, household to bring back, natural parks, local attractions.

weak > weaker > weakest

enough just had one good meal start my day
enough contains all the stuf that can suit my body...

oh ya allah... i pray...

i dun pray to be weak ....
or gaining more being as weaker..
or slummed my self to be more rebel as weakest...
no no no

today and tomorrow,
hopefully be the best.... and the strenght...

i pray so
