i'm not a fighter

I am Sagitarius. I born in dec 5th.... as an statement from an article/google/any webbies says...the chararacter still remain same n cling with the person her self >

"You are gregarious and enthusiastic, and you espouse high principles such as universal love and world peace. "

"Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful and optimistic, at times you are restless, careless and extravagant. "

"Your tolerance allows you to work well with all people, and you accept them for what they are. You are extroverted, and your bluntness and impatience can unknowingly hurt others who are more sensitive. '

'You are fond of sports, the outdoors and travel. "Don't fence me in" could be your motto. "


dont fence me?  ha ha

yeah, thats the real and direct (but a dead word- who live de-fence). This type of character i guess, in my opinion, directed to the lifestyle , movement, migrants, taste, acting, decision making of someone.

Because, the term of "fence" is too obviously, all horoscope character, same. Versi versa.
How bout them who excellent migrants to other world, but trap with obedient / loyal to his nation.
what i meant, ex. as a SOLDIER. He live and war in Iran. Why he didnt choose to return?
why he cant choose to stay?
lots of why, thats makes the rebelism in every self character change.
Thats build often sagitarius person, live heartlessly character.

Tollerance - i didnt studied more deep of this character, or even the word T.O.L.L.E.R.A.N.C.E
But, as my self , i often tollerated to others (if more age you are+++++ ). The outcome is different. But, i will give my tollerance genuinely to people who deserve to have this REPEATLY.

cranky sound yah?

But tha, thats the real world now. Courtesy comes ONE, but disaster flows like thousand grenade blows.

............................................................ end.

april 2012

April coming, April go. As early April, nothing much to share. Day by day, i'm doing the same routine, and again routine.... and counting the day, when my status change to "mother-wanna-be" or "mama" ( wah! excited) ? when?

only Qada & Qada' knows it.

As an excited nothing good news coming. Two sons of my bff, Adam and Alee, just celebrated their year first birthday. Daughter of my cousin, Batrisyia already turn 10 months. Cute-pie face..petit.

and my parent turn their ages to 61th this year.

my lil sister already 1 and half year on going master.

Big sister, already 34 years - being single, simple & happy of her own world...

My Army, who's ambitious + energetic + hardworking loved his passioned in photography, already 4 years now,

and our rendezvous lovy dovey already 3 years....


May GOD bless and bliss me and my Army way....


Hello !!

ha ha.... gas laugh for those who been fooled by peeople surround...

1st april... SUNDAY.... thoughful of try to prank or dick someone, BUT hassle time, cant be wasted like previous youngeez.


gladful, mazelensa studio more heading to Business world.

Congrats to beloved hubster- Mr yazin, who congratulated his lists of target in LIFE.

A clean and spacious studio has been rented by Mazelensastudio with Chipchiphoorey company (performed as Chiptuners Malaysia) Aimen Xavier and Chippee.

on 29 March, the landlord handed a set of keys. And now in process of uploading - interioring the space..

but first come first, queueing of albums distracted my hubby to more "wildenest" in decorating the space. We leave it, probably June - with $$ is tolerate with our guts, and the result turn PERFECTO.

Cant wait. I will support you. Nothing else.

Who is women?

who is wife?

Who is bedmate?

Who am i?

- answer : be with you, i'll try and try -

bless us, bring us close to you....Amin ~