
one question come to me for today.

"Are u happy now?"

Very trumendous and not easy question to be answer.

I hate to be adult. As an adult, no more adolescent, i cant express or explain to my self what is happy. Enough as basic, if the whole day i didnt have any fights/battling/arguement or tearing, the defination can call as "happy". Yes. I will call that as "happy" ness...

Being as adult, i try to be "happy", keep my self "happy", make other people "happy",makes their day "happy" and sometimes, pretend to be "happy".

i guess all adults does.

As i'm not realy encourage some of my friends to deep understand of my own "dictionary" of happyness. My appetite tempted, that call happy?

My colorful kurung today, am i happy?

I smile a miles away, am i happy?

received a sincere complimentary, am i suppost to be happy?

coz in my dictionary, happy not all people care, not all people want to be happy.

Outside, the kids crying for food, the parents looks on injury hands of their kids, soldiers everywhere bloody shoot to innocense kids,,,ARENT they happy?

while i playing with balloon, does balloon seller happy?

i dun easily get happy, eventhou i'm smiling.

I dun easily happy in anything, if everything i got...

coz u know why?

coz people dont happy for having me surround. For seeing me around. For laughing all the day with them.

Love life like butterfly, bautiful BUT for just short while....


december 2011..diary

glad and thankful to ya allah, let me breath and live lifely... in good health (am i?-didnt diagnose at all). This year, came to my 29th reborn celebration day. Glad and delughtful. For this year, for my first time, a new person (truely existed) be on my side....

:,) sob sob

my dearest husband.

No more loner celebration, no more missed-exhilarating time. Me and him.

In my diaries, enough to say let be the day, he by my side.

on 5th dec (oo:00 hrs), at out living room, he kissed my forehead and "wish"...



thank you (heart-say)

and begin the day of preparing myself for any surprise. I dun hate surprises. Just dun wish for it.

The laugh wont last ~

the smile end with tears ~

taboo for all

in any, dun surprised me. Just be direct n motif.

what great again shall i face and i did faced :

  • Universal treats for first annyversary

  • samsung android gifted for 29th

  • decide to buy a house

  • start our first job (on exhibition list)

** will upload the photo soon. And again, alhamdullillah

OUM - Lousy institutional

What the hell they talking about.

Malaysia had very good communication system and your staf in OUM ruing it?

Thats very unacceptable.

You all makes money, enough for your high-edu fees. Plus, u charges student for the extra extra fees like a PENALTY? For your late feEdback.

lay back. have chit chat. get some food - eat. gossip #$!@%#$%&. who u think?

crap u !!!!!

For your un-manage-able replying google email account...that OUR FAULT??????r#$^w&?

what the shitty u're supplying for us? Submission date in substitude - then u charge people?????

They had very very lousy service - customer service and not even friendly and loyal to their NEW or old batch student.

As for this week, they again (for the third times), boiling me up as the assignment marking didnt appear on my screen / screwed LMS server!!!!

In a year 2009, on my computerised system which i fully attended, and submit the assing,ent as the GOD knows (u all will crash)...SUDDEN? u easily say dont record my attendance and i didnt submit the assignment??

u alls talk shitty. Then what u aspect? my CGPA run smooth with the result and lack behavarioul of admin itself??

^#$&*R&^O(^R() R^


and this semester 2011? u again dissappointing me with the lousy reason, of WHAT?

i try to called 20x in a day of friday 9.12.2011 from 3pm until 5pm. No one pick-up.

i start again called 2773 2002 for your sweet ladies tongue voice, but didnt help much. I asking for SIMPLE SHIT QUESTION, "can u passing me to assignment unit?"

straight in a row, begin 10am until near 11am..... I DIDNT MANAGE TO SPEAK TO ONE OF YOUR MOTIVATIONAL WATEVER OFFICER!!!!!!!!#!$@#

i'm really pissed!!!!

take deep breath

people can say as many thoughts, criticism,ideas,tutoring,lecturing,singing,whatever u wanna called it. as the their brain functioning wisely. And in applying it, we use the media such blog,SMSing,twittering,chating,ichat,whatsapp,FB chat,YM chat,BBM....u choose. U name it....

its a TECH

dont doubt it


but in certain things, people are killing and battling each other. Small or big issue, they / we can still like to create an issue. Arguments,insatisfaction,disgareement...

why people?

why? :(

wishing for the "long-life" ahead

Three little golden eggs. Its like a decade prosperious continuous...but was Jack satisfied by tackle the eggs or the goose? By run down to earth-ground, cutting the long magic beantree and killed the giants? live happily and the life poor turn to magic "BOOM" the wealthiest man on the village.

How about my wish on this 29th birthday, to be the most faithful, loveable,huggable,bootylicious and boobylicious and delicious delicasies to the husband. Am i? Am i not? ........yes, i wish so and learn to do so. The only women of his heart..... or (stop, secret)..

Or wish to be like his the most likeable gadget, ipad. Which the software and appliances can be upload,download,delete and easy transfer...... hold with nice velvet holder, screen protactor, put in safe place, unbreakable and not over expose to sunlight. But, this cant guranteed lifehood. Easily dead when the batt off, peaceful dead. unharm.

Android version phone, was not one of my wish. As i'm easy to have a verbal conversation, naive to say> my phone credit call not reach more then 2hrs for a WEEK. Do u believe that. The most done, sms...i love typing. I love expression. But the best of the best GIFT, he gave me the latest samsung android smartphone GIO.

Now, this phone was very useful(thats why some people love technology),change life for BETTER...Like me, i put 40% rely on it. Means,I can wrote a few data (bookless),just finger touch, i easily snap photo and have DCIM (without using digicam), and the most i used to- i can update news,wall,feed, and gosip only by finger touch / wi-fi & others. (FB,Twitt, yahoo email alert). Thank you to my bedmate a.k.a my ARMy...put me a STEP ahead... yey!

My wish, i can place my toothbrush beside him forever. Haha.....its a weirdest feeling and this way we more felt intimacy.

This i wish FOREVER.... nothing else......

people WHO jelous/envy of life we're trying to build, go to hell with your life. Why live like loser?

live to have other people happiness?

Go away. I dont like people like u.

Guide us ya allah.
