a bouquet of tiger lily

30may, today was my boss brithday..we just sang for her this morning. An hour later, one delivery boy came and delivered her a bouquet of tiger lily with a little wishing card!

oh gosh!

what a termendous moment. Surprise!

A surprised delivery from beloved husband & the man of her heart.

very proud of their ways~ yeah...their ways~

This the fifth times i saw her received same same species and beautiful bouquet!

what i noticed, the bouquet on every their annyversary & her birthday..

glad for her! (3x)

this brought up jelousy for all girls here


i love tiger lily too~ but, Bangsar 'pasar malam' now quite often to reach.

the flower of everlasting smell.... its ok, maybe later i drop by near PS, or bangsar or drop on cameron highland.... ~ weeee ~

MLS stand up

its monday today. Yeah, as normal begin a first day to work, a big big clashing with my desire. What a tough time had for all career people on earth. Geez.

thsi work, its like family tree caught under and taste the apple. Yeah, my weekend journey with in-law family. Two days -full, and three-days died for my hubby. But the ambience different as normal day unknown reception.

MLS was hired for the cinematography n photography for the wedding this time. Sasya and Madi was the groom and bride for that day, Perfect! cute ! love their thousaniess dress valued. Worth i guess !

tailored . nice-cut . perfect color.

2011- MLS getting tougher and competitives (from my eyes of view). Being the closest person of the director of MLS, little what comes up adn down~ i knew it. Challenge is everywhere. Hoping, he able to handle it. Its not easy as our thought + predict + imagined.

Perhaps, what we build for this journey, become smooth and the challenge, i pray, not too big.

coz, what i can see, some people trying to intterupt and becoming like SUPER-SOLVENT hero, thus...we breaking.

not all people happy to see we happy and lucky in our life. Like what happend to our fren, who've been threaten and

voodoos by one psycho. Pity them. Pain and hurt. Such a devilish people $%#%#$^$#^

i dun want end up with all stupid magic vooodoo. I want to be happy. No enermy.

No jelousy people. No threator.

the business success. Our family happy . Our marriage well too

~ amin ~

(MLS story journey will continue)


Tak semua kau rencana kanberlaku

mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku

entah mengapa engkau yg aku cinta

mungkin lebih baikkau kulepas saja

oh ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya

oh ini tidak adil tidak adil bagi ku

oh ini tidak adil utk kau bertanya cintaku

mencintaimu juga

tidak adil, tidak adil baginyata

k semua kau rencanakan berlakumungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku

entah mengapa engkau yg aku cintamungkin lebih baik kau

kulepas saja oh ini tidak adil,

tidak adil baginya

oh ini tidak adil,

tidak adil bagiku oh ini tidak adil utk engkau bertanya cintaku

mencintaimu juga bukan milikku dan aku memang penakut

mengakui cinta kepadamu seribu kali kucuba ucapkan

bila bersamamu kau bukan milikku dan engkau pun tahu kau bukan milikku

:::: by YUNA :::::

sunday every first week of May

syndrome.... syndrome..... syndrome..

Just passed 10 hours of non-stop MOTHERS DAY wishes..


yes..In malaysia, the date for mother's day was yesterday. Crazyly. What i realised,Facebooker change the "main photo"/ more phrases and sweet wording / expression / depresion / praying words..bla..blaa..

its annoyed me coz i can see some of it just a 'poser' wall-feeder.

why just appreciate them ONLY 1 day? what happen to the rest 364days?

what THA? such bugger!

..wow, the celebration was so meant for whom status mother.

I can see,you can see..90% of wall-feeder of FB type on their dedication and expression of Mother's day.

But for me, it is more better appreciate them whenever/whatever they are.

Pray for them.

Call them when u free.

Many ways,many things on your creative u can dedicated the feeling towads them.

An as a husband/ a father of your kids, celebrated ur spouse everyday, everytime. Not only their birthday/annyversary or mother's day.

So for those my friends already turn status to MUMMY, i wish you all

"happy Mommy's day"

god bless you. May my turn is NEXT!

(to mak, HAPPY HARI MAK ~ love you until the end of my life)