
Morning all....friday morning today. Luvly weather on the way to office today. Might be sunny till, only a few came to office. 3 of my colleague not coming-personal. DONT BOTHER! wow, seems lastnite was such a good-turned trial in kitchen. Trickky n silly. Kurma Ayam! yes, i did. And for me, 4 star upon 5 stars rating. Luckily,mak gave me all the herbs & spices delivered from penang itself. And it preserved inside the fridge - UN TOUCH. Remembrance of how the taste of kurma, make it perfectly served on plate. Yeay~Other spice powder i have - curry for fish powder, curry meat powder.... i love cook, i love cook...serve hot from the stove.

but always came to my mind was baking. Used-to-be the well-baker when i'm in secondary lastime. Hehe, the skill still. But, not enough $$$. Silent. Just buy it. Which vanillash into my sensor of nose. What my school kitchen lab has. A full-throttle-power cake mixer, the full-surround oven make the baking PERFECT.

oh Kenwood! oh Kenwood! You're adoreable..

I will bring u home oneday...Plus, will greater if we have enough space to blending,tracing,baking,mixing,flouring,chopping,stirring...... bowl + eggs + milk + flour.... wow! ZzZz..dreaming

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